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Appointments Available now

We have recently revised our opening hours to help reduce wait times and make sure you can be seen when you need to.

Appointment’s available this week for:

  • Sports Therapy

  • Physiotherapy

  • Osteopathy

  • Sports Massage

  • Pregnancy Massage

  • Exercise Rehabilitation

  • Strength and Conditioning


OUR Newmarket CLINIC at a glance




What our clients say


Amit Atrey

Consultant Hip and Knee Surgeon, MB BS, MSc (Dip Imperial College), MRCS (Eng), FRCS (Tr & Orth)

I've been seeing Emily for my hip and thigh pain for some months now. She managed to get me back on track in the gym and running within a few sessions. She diagnosed my problem of TFL pain pretty quickly and worked hard with deep massage. She also saw my wife with an acute back spasm issue and managed to get her lifting weights and dealt with it before it got really bad.


Dr. Donald Maceachern

General Practioner MbChB MRCGP

I recently started doing Cross Fit as part of a healthier lifestyle.  As part of that an old injury in my shoulder started to become rather problematic. Being a GP I decided I should see a Physiotherapist and an Osteopath.  Unfortunately neither sorted my problem out.  On advice of my wife who has seen Emily before I arranged an appointment. Through thorough questioning and examination she seemed to really get to the root of the problem.  With direct treatment there and then and exercises to do at home my shoulder pain dramatically reduced. This has helped not just my exercise but also my sleep and day to day activities. I would recommend her to anyone who has injuries related to sport or who is doing sports but also those with any musculoskeletal problems.


Mother of Matthew Allen


Matt had a neck injury and was approaching a big rowing weekend. Without the amazing work of Back on Track Injury Clinic, Matt wouldn’t have been able to race. Please to say that Matt went on to race pain free and win this weekend. Friendly, professional and made myself and my 13-year-old feel totally at ease.

Natasha Jones cycling 300 miles

Natasha Jones


Once I reached the end it was tearful due to the emotions of completing 300 miles with an amazing bunch of people and amazement of my achievement. It’s thanks to your amazing work keeping my body fit to complete it that I managed it with minimal injuries.